If you've ever tried to learn a language, you've no doubt noticed that some words are harder to learn because you just don't come across them very often.
So this begs the question: Which words are used most?
Wonder no more.
Now you can just drop in at WordCount™ (www.wordcount.org) and look up the usage rankings of the 86,800 most frequently used words in the English language.
Just type in a word, hit return, and you'll learn its rank.
For instance, you might be encouraged to learn that "love" is used more often than "hate" (#384 vs. #3,107), but distressed to find out that it is used less than "war" (#304 vs. #384).
You can also check out words by specifying certain ranks. Here are a few:
#1: the
#100: got
#1,000: james
#10,000: sewing
Or you might just want to look up a favorite word (I'm partial to #10,224: "spark").
Oh, and in case you're wondering. The least used word in the English language—#86,000 on the list—is (drum roll please) "conquistador."