Whoa. I had to do a double take when I saw the latest offering from Japan's Kirin Brewery.
No, they're not giving away free brews (awwww). "
Kirin Free" is a malty tasting beverage that's free of alcohol (the package shouts "0.00% alcohol").
What's the point?
A good question, since anybody who's spent even a single night out in Tokyo knows that the Japanese like their beer—and the buzz it provides.
But it turns out that Kirin is positioning FREE as "beer" for people who want to drink and then be able to drive, and for sports enthusiasts who like to quench their thirst with a beer, but don't want to get hammered on the golf course or tennis court.
I don't know if FREE is going to emerge as a big seller for Kirin in the long run (I doubt it), but at the very least it's as good a gimmick as any to spur a short-term jump in sales since a lot of people are going to buy at least one can just to see what it tastes like.